Today marks the 228th Anniversary of the signing of the US Constitution.
George Washington was the first to sign it. Since it’s signing the US Constitution has come to be known as the most important political document in world history.
WHY is out Constitution so important? Because it’s based upon two principles;
1. Natural human equality – no person has the right to rule over another without his or her consent. – known as “consent of the governed”. (Vastly different than European countries where government rules by “rule of majority” – meaning ALL decisions are political down to the local level.)
2. We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights – our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – rights not conditioned upon the whims of those in power.
So remember three things;
1. A quote from Aristotle; “It is useless to have beneficial laws fully agreed upon by all members of government if the people are not going to be trained and have their habits formed by the spirit of the nation’s laws. No society can survive without a populace well informed and educated in regards to the formulation of their government.”
2. The 56 men who put everything, – property, lives and families – on the line for the something they didn’t even know would work…..
…………the concept of living by Principles.
3. Small businesses built America and small businesses will save America. You and I have a “Response-Ability” to either start one or support them.
Dr Bill