Tag Archives: postaday2012

Your Health is your First Wealth!

Each of these movies provides valuable insights as to who is utlimately, truly, positively responsible and “Response-Able” for your Health and Well being and the Health and Well Being of your family.  They are great to watch as a family.  … Continue reading

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Even Charlie Brown Knows the Answer

Being depressed requires shallow breathing, slumped shoulders, downward gaze and stinkin thinkin. Being Happy requires deep breathing, shoulders back, upward gaze and forward thinkin. Over Simplified?  Maybe.  But then, science is still trying to answer which comes first stinkin thinkin … Continue reading

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Fiscal Cliff, Debt Ceiling, Smaller Paychecks

Good Morning Team –  A lot of terms with many vague meanings, coupled with dire predictions based upon “what ifs” – a bit like the world ending on 12.21.12.  Such as it is with CNN = Constantly Negative News.  And … Continue reading

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What’s a Realistic Goal?

Good Morning Team – we get asked this question a lot, even when it’s not the biggest goal setting day of the year.  No matter what, or whose, goal setting system you choose to use, the key common denominator among … Continue reading

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Happy Healthy Merry Christmas!

The Spirit of Christmas Is not found under the tree Nor tied in a bow. The Spirit is found in everyone Especially those who know Everyday is God’s gift For us to Love, Learn and Grow. Our wish for you … Continue reading

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